Dragon Warriors

Live Thread: The Game Runs Here
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Author:  Acoma [ Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

"Simon, do you have some water or anything?" [OOC - does Alistair know Simon studies magic?]

Author:  Cobwebbed Dragon [ Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Simon is initially stunned by the impressive display of magic, although quickly realises that it is not what it appears. In the fleeting seconds that follow, Simon considers running up the stairs to the roof to attempt to attract the attention of passers-by to get help but then remembers the heavy rain and figures either his voice would not carry through it or there would be so few pedestrians that, even if he could be heard, there would be no-one to hear him. Then he wonders if the monk's illusion is a decoy to get Alistair and him to focus on following the girl and not investigating the doorway to the monk's left.

Acoma wrote:
"Simon, do you have some water or anything?"

Simon is snapped out of his overthinking by Alistair's question and Simon realises that, regardless of the monk's agendum, his priority should be to protect the girl, who may now feel trapped on the other side of the illusory wall of flames. Without turning to face Alistair, Simon replies, It's not real, and runs through the flames to find the girl.

It is only as Simon is about to pass through the flames that the thought occurs to him that maybe the monk's magic has deliberately disguised a real wall of fire as an illusion to tempt him to pass through, but it is too late for that thought to prevent Simon from jumping through...

Acoma wrote:
[OOC - does Alistair know Simon studies magic?]

[OOC - That is unlikely, although not impossible - Simon is discrete but not perfectly so. I figure Alistair and Simon know each other from Alistair's visits to the library, but as far as Simon is aware, only he and Rowan know his secret - to everyone else, Simon is just a scribe. Conversely, does Simon know anything about Alistair beyond their encounters at the library or, perhaps, the occasional encounters whilst Alistair has been on patrol in places Simon sometimes visits? For example, might Alistair have been at the library to refer to certain books/scrolls from which Simon might infer Alistair's studies, or is his apprenticeship as a warlock relatively public knowledge to people within a certain circle or those who know the city (especially as Simon is curious about magic and likely to have sought to identify, if not to engage with, people that might understand magic)?]

Author:  Dreadnought [ Fri Oct 05, 2018 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Cobwebbed Dragon wrote:
OOC - That is unlikely, although not impossible - Simon is discrete but not perfectly so. I figure Alistair and Simon know each other from Alistair's visits to the library, but as far as Simon is aware, only he and Rowan know his secret - to everyone else, Simon is just a scribe. Conversely, does Simon know anything about Alistair beyond their encounters at the library or, perhaps, the occasional encounters whilst Alistair has been on patrol in places Simon sometimes visits? For example, might Alistair have been at the library to refer to certain books/scrolls from which Simon might infer Alistair's studies, or is his apprenticeship as a warlock relatively public knowledge to people within a certain circle or those who know the city (especially as Simon is curious about magic and likely to have sought to identify, if not to engage with, people that might understand magic)?]

It is entirely plausible that Alistair has come to the library, and specifically gone into the special cellar where books concerning the magical arts are stored. Mistress Marta routinely writes a letter for her 'special students' that the chief librarian honours giving them access. This would certainly be a sign to Simon that Alistair has studied something magical in nature. (Alistair might have also got such a letter from those training him as a Warlock after Mistress Marta passed his training to them).

It's up to you both, but it's also possible Alistair may have come down into that cellar one day and found Simon engaged in study, that was not obviously just connected to his normal library work.

I would consider it unlikely Alistair knows about the second room attached to that cellar that Simon discovered - unless Simon has expressly told him, which based on character description seems unlikely - but that's up to Simon's player in the end. There's no huge value to him having been admitted to that room.

Author:  Acoma [ Fri Oct 05, 2018 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Alistair takes a deep breath and, holding his sleeve across his face, runs through the wall of flame, dagger drawn.

Author:  Cobwebbed Dragon [ Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Dreadnought wrote:
It is entirely plausible that Alistair has come to the library, and specifically gone into the special cellar where books concerning the magical arts are stored. Mistress Marta routinely writes a letter for her 'special students' that the chief librarian honours giving them access. This would certainly be a sign to Simon that Alistair has studied something magical in nature.

[OOC - Acoma, I'll leave it up to you as to whether you want to Simon to know, or suspect, that Alistair can use magic. Just let me know what you want Simon to know (and, if Simon knows, whether Alistair knows Simon knows and also whether Simon knows Alistair knows Simon knows :)). I wouldn't want to presume if that's not what you want the rest of us to know about your character.]

Author:  Acoma [ Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

[OOC - I think Simon suspecting would be good. I assume Simon hasn't indicated to Alistair that he practises magic?]

Author:  Cobwebbed Dragon [ Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Acoma wrote:
[OOC - I think Simon suspecting would be good. I assume Simon hasn't indicated to Alistair that he practises magic?]

[OOC - OK; so Simon suspects Alistair's magical abilities but has not had a conversation with Alistair about it (he doesn't really know Alistair that well and it's not the kind of thing you chat about while fetching scrolls for someone :) - by the time this little rumble at the Dandy Lion is over, perhaps they'll know each other better?)]

Author:  Damian May [ Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Emily has gone through the door - just (location 4). You're looking at quite a nice room. A double bed with nightstands. A couch, a table with chairs, and a desk with chairs, too. There are curtains covering openings in the wall just to your right. Ahead of you, you can see the open door to the balcony.

There are four people in the room. Two are dressed in the blue robes of the monks. One stands near the double bed, one stands near the door to the balcony. A middle aged woman in mail armour lies bleeding on the floor. Blood is still flowing, and she is breathing but is barely conscious at best. Lying on the bed is a woman or about the same age. She is wearing a tunic and hose, almost exactly the same blue as the monk's robes, but they are stained with blood. The monk near the bed is pointing a sword at her, and you do not think he has seen you. The one at the window - is not a monk. Perhaps a nun? Hood thrown back, she is definitely female, and would be stunningly attractive if not for the expression of utter cruelty on her face. She has definitely noticed your entrance. She has a sword held in her hand, but it is pointing towards the floor at the moment.

" GatsBlood!", Emily involuntarily whimpered. Then her eyes brightened as she saw the balcony door...there was a fire behind her....no time to worry about that just move....sorry, bleeding ladies....I'm just wee....I can't help....

Emily bolted across the room towards the balcony door, yelling, " I didn't see naught!!"

And indeed she didn't as her foot hit the pool of blood around the bleeding woman and went from under her.....

Dodge and run: 1d20 20 Reflexes 16.

Author:  Dreadnought [ Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

As has been described, Emily has tried to run across the room to the balcony and has slipped on some wet blood and has fallen on her backside while continuing to slide a little way, until she is only a metre or so in front of the blue robed 'Nun' who has pointed her sword in her direction, but hasn't done more than that yet.

Simon and Alistair having run through the flames - safely and unscarred although there was a prickling feeling - hear a whistle come from the vicinity of the monk who cast the fire spell. A second later, there's another whistle in the distance. They arrive at the door to the room in time to see Emily lying in front of (what I will continue to refer to as) the Nun. They can also note the presence of others in the room.

Downstairs, a whistle is heard and the Monks begin to throw back robes, revealing swords and shorter blades underneath. The Lady Knight shouts "To arms in the name of King Hadric!" - assuming she has some sort of legal authority to do this, it would mean everybody in the Inn can basically fight unrestrained by law (within reason - it's not an excuse to slaughter the bar staff and make off withe the spirits). In response, quite a number of the patrons of the bar, are also drawing blades, or looking for other ways to arm themselves.


The maps below - I don't intend to try and update these every round, but if location becomes important you can ask for a current map of your area.

I hope it's fairly clear as to who is who - the arc in each symbol represents your facing (I have worried about this less on the ground floor map for NPCs) - the curve is at your front.

There are a lot more people on the ground floor, but I only intend to add them in (as bystanders) if they become relevant.

Dandy Lion Inn Ground Floor - BattleMap01.PNG
Dandy Lion Inn Ground Floor - BattleMap01.PNG [ 942 KiB | Viewed 3963 times ]
Dandy Lion Inn First Floor - BattleMap01.PNG
Dandy Lion Inn First Floor - BattleMap01.PNG [ 614.33 KiB | Viewed 3963 times ]

Author:  Dreadnought [ Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Note in running large combats (like the one downstairs), I am not going to be running every single bit of the fight - only the bits you or other major NPCs are involved in. I hope people understand why :)

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