Very sorry for the
long delay in posting. My regular in-person table top games have had to be suddenly moved to my place from where we were playing, which meant having to get my gaming room that hadn't been used for five years back in working order, and that took up a huge amount of time, at the same time as I was writing school reports, sending manuscripts to publishers, and applying for (and then accepting) a Masters degree to study next year. Coupled with not feeling well... this was one of the things I let slide. I will do my best to do better.
In the room (and just outside it)Emily - you have bolted onto the balcony. Looking up, you don't think it would be that difficult to climb up - or for that matter to climb down. You believe there is one floor above you (the attics) and there is a window above the eastern side of the balcony that you could climb to quickly. Beyond that, you could get onto the sloping roof.
But you can also see in the yard behind the inn, are eight members of the City Watch - six troopers, a Sergeant and...
Intelligence check, +2 bonus for city, so 15 or better needed):
1d20 4the Earl Marshall of Albion, the Earl of Mancaster. As well as being one of the most powerful nobles in the Kingdom in general terms, he's also the head of the City Militia and the City Watch. You don't know much about him, but you have heard he's a hands on leader and he has a reputation for being fair and just. He'll make sure somebody hangs if they deserve it, but the innocent generally don't have too much to fear. It's up to you how innocent you consider you currently are.
Simon has positioned himself near the door as described and is listening for signs of Eggdras's approach (or anything else).
Alistair is standing ready...
As the lady from the bed swiftly draws a dagger from the belt of the woman on the ground and launches herself towards the nun. The woman on the ground jerks coming to her feet from flat on her back and seems to be looking around for something to use as a weapon.
The Nun and the Monk do not instantly react - they may have been surprised. Alistair, you are close enough to both the monk and the nun that you could engage them this round. Possibly with surprise.
OutsideDynis has closed the distance to the Monk and will be able to strike at him next round. She has to defend herself first as the Monk stood ready to accept her charge. He strikes at her with a short sword, missing.
Eggdras runs down the corridor, Osric follows more cautiously behind. Both of you hear "EGGDRAS, WE'RE IN HERE. AND WATCH OUT, THERE'S A MONK ON THE LANDING." and as Eggdras has said, he's shouted a response.